How To Buy Wholesale Books Online For Independent Bookshops

How To Buy Wholesale Books Online For Independent Bookshops

If you’re an independent bookshop who wants to buy books at a wholesale price direct from a small publisher, you’ve come to the right place!

Inspired Quill loves to create strong links with other independent businesses to make it easier for readers to buy books that they love, in an ethical way that’s still cost-effective.

Our aim is to create win-win-win situations that benefits the bookshop, the author, and Inspired Quill.

Here you’ll find a one-page sell sheet for every book we’ve published, categorised by Genre and Date Published. Also included are our latest upcoming releases. Info includes Genre, Synopsis, Publication Date, Top Reviews and more.

Bookseller Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, all of our books are the same price in their different currencies. This means that no matter the size of the title, the same cost will apply to each. The RRP on our titles are as follows:

£9.99 (GBP)
$19.99 (AUD)
$14.99 (USD)
$14.99 (CAD)
€12.99 (EUR)

Absolutely! We currently offer between 35% and 40% off our titles. For larger orders (50 copies or more), we are able to increase this discount thanks to economies of scale – but this is on a per-case basis.

We wish we could offer the very best book discount you’ve ever seen…but that would mean we’d literally lose money on every sale. To discuss discounts on the order you’d like to place, please get in touch using the contact form above or below, and we will let you know within three working days what the total book order discount would be from RRP.

Book Shipping & Distribution Questions

We’re able to get our books out to pretty much anywhere in the world. We ship books to the UK, US, mainland Europe, New Zealand and Australia, to name but a few! If your bookshop is located in a place that’s a bit more hard-to-reach, please do feel free to get in touch and we’ll see if we can work something out!

Sometimes there’s no cost to shipping as a member of the Inspired Quill team are able to drop off the order in-person.
However, if that isn’t the case, then we usually split the cost of shipping down the middle (although on larger orders, Inspired Quill may be able to take on a higher percentage of the shipping cost). Some orders cost more to ship than others based on factors such as size, weight, location and expediency (more on that one below). Inspired Quill does, however, always pay the full handling fee associated with any order.

Your book order will usually be with you between 3 and 15 working days.
This number depends on the shipping expediency and method, and where you’re located. However, it’s rare for any shipment to take more than a maximum of two weeks to reach its destination.

Yes, we are happy for independent bookshops to return our titles if they don’t sell after a 3-month period. Books can be returned to us via courier, or (in cases where we’ve dropped the books off personally), we’ll be able to come and collect them again in-person.
However, our preference would be to work with you to stir up interest in the books in your local area over the course of a week or two to see if we’re able to get them to sell.
In the case of courier use, the fee shall be split by Inspired Quill and the bookseller if no additional marketing effort has been made. If we’ve been working together for at least a week to get the books sold and they haven’t budged, then Inspired Quill will pay the full return fee when presented with the receipt.

Book Shipping & Distribution Questions

You can pay for your books in two ways – via direct bank transfer (if you’re in the UK), or via Paypal if that’s easier for you. Once you’ve ordered the titles, we send you an invoice for your records with the payment details included.

For new partnerships, it’s preferred that bookshops purchase titles up-front rather than on credit. In the past we’ve unfortunately offered credit straight away and had quite an issue with actually receiving due payment (although we’re absolutely sure that you’d never do that because you’re awesome!)
We can offer credit on a case-by-case basis in the interest of flexibility (especially in cases where there’s a deadline for an event or similar). We completely understand how tricky cash-flow can be for small businesses, so please do get in touch and we’ll find a solution that’s fair for everyone.

Questions About Our Authors

Yes! When you get in touch, we’ll be able to let you know if you’re in-range for any of our authors to pay you a visit. A lot of the Inspired Quill authors have experience not only with book readings, but also running panel discussions and workshops for writers and readers alike.
To see examples of where our authors have done events in the past, check out our author events page.

We’d love to! Again, depending on the location and the timeframe, the IQ team love attending events and talking about publishing to both authors and readers.

At the moment we’re in the process of getting bookplates created and shipped out to all of our authors so that they’re able to sign them and post them on. In some cases (in-person shipping, as above), the authors will be able to sign the books directly. Just let us know if this is of interest and we’ll do our very best to make this happen for you!

I can’t find my question!

Whoops! If you’ve got a query that isn’t written about above, please get in touch and we’ll respond as soon as possible.

This All Sounds Great…So Which Books Should I Stock?

It would take way too long to go through the selling points of each of our titles, but we’re more than happy to help you figure out which of our amazing, award-winning, independently published books would be the very best fit for your customers. Get in touch with us using the Contact Form below and we’ll be able to give you a 100% personalised suggestion list of which books to stock, why, and how to pitch them to your customers when you see them gazing longingly at the covers.

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