Listen Up! The Benefits of Audiobooks

A blog feature image showing an open book with the pages in a heart shape and a edge-facing books in the background 'wearing' a set of headphones with the title '3 Benefits of Audiobooks' over the top

As with eBooks, Audiobooks are simply a different way to enjoy stories.

Just when we thought the ‘eReader versus paperback’ debate was losing steam after almost twenty long years, the new clash seems to be between paperbacks and… audiobooks?

Audiobooks offer a flexible and alternative definition to the traditional meaning of the word “reading”. For one, Audiobooks combine the rush of theatre without modifying the integrity of the book itself, all from the comfort of your living room. Or your kitchen. Or your commute to work. Or the flight you’re eyeing up in summer. My point being, beyond just being convenient, audiobooks open up a whole new opportunity to indulge yourself with your favourite genres and tropes.

And so, here’s my attempt to convince you to explore the myriad choices awaiting you in audiobooks with an inexhaustive list of audiobook benefits.

Finding Time To Read

How often do you use the excuse of not being able to read because you just don’t have the time? How many times have you counted up all the books you’ve read in a year and the number is exponentially lower than what you thought or wanted?

Be honest – we won’t judge!

We’ve all been there. But that’s the beauty of audiobooks. It takes up no ‘extra’ time. You don’t need to find the time. Whether you have to commute to work, or you cook yourself dinner in the evenings, or you want to unwind in bed with the light off at the end of the night, Audiobooks can be listened to wherever you are in the world, during whatever task you’re tackling.

With every genre available at your fingertips (eardrums?) whether it be fantasy novels that throw you into a whole new world, thrillers that sink their claws into you, or even non-fiction that leaves you second- guessing the universe all day long, audiobooks can be a door to whatever you’re in the mood for at any given moment, anywhere.

Eco-Friendliness And Audiobooks

Okay, I understand the argument that nothing, and I mean nothing will compare the feeling of a paperback in your hands, the smell of a brand-new book, the warm feeling of receiving a special edition of a book in mint condition (with sprayed edges and a fancy dustjacket. But I’d say one of the biggest benefits of audiobooks is how eco-friendly they can be.

Back in 2023, Dean Talbot published an article titled ‘Impact of Book Publishing on Environment’. Some of the data is eye-opening for book lovers: “Around 10 million trees are killed for the production of books that eventually end up getting destroyed rather than read.

The paper industry contributes heavily to the destruction of animal habitats, deforestation, and carbon-emissions. But by choosing audiobooks (or eBooks), you are helping to reduce the demand for paper, and so keeping the integrity of that particular environment/ecosystem intact. Go you!*

And anyway, physical books are much more liable to end up with coffee rings stamped on pages as a bookmark – yes I am looking at you and your Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson, books you’ve had since you were a teenager. So, when the physical copy of your favourite book comes to the end of its life, it may leave you wanting to repurchase it so you can re-read it in a fresh condition.

The solution to this? There are many audiobook platforms out there, such as Audible, that constantly promote deals to try new books of different genres. So why pay for another physical copy of a book when you have the option to have a forever copy of your favourite novel, and the option to potentially find new titles through their frequent deals?

Audiobooks For Reading Accessibility

But audiobooks are not just there for ease because sometimes we can’t be bothered to hold open a hefty book and turn each page (Book-Yoga is a thing and it’s not for the faint of heart). This brings me to my third point: accessibility.

Audiobooks provide a solution to those with visual impairments, other physical and learning disabilities or neurodivergence. Audiobooks are part of an ecosystem which helps to create an inclusive reading platform for all; a direct path to the literary world.

This, however, goes beyond accessible entertainment. Audiobooks can also be used as an instructional tool, or to help folks with their school/collegework. As Kate Renaud explains in her article “Audiobooks as a learning tool”, audiobooks ‘give children with disabilities equal access to knowledge so they can reap the same rewards from reading as their friends.’ Audiobooks help younger listeners to better engage with their schoolwork and ensure they do not fall behind classmates, and help to create a more equal learning opportunity. (Obviously audiobooks are nowhere near a panacea, and there’s a whole lot more to say on this topic.)

Wrapping Up:

“Should I make the switch to audiobooks?”

Audiobooks are far from perfect, and they’re not for everyone. But as a bookish community we need to stop saying that audiobooks ‘don’t count’ towards reading goals and instead appreciate how many benefits they have – either as a replacement for, or an addition to, our favourite paperback titles.

* Of course, the carbon-footprint of Audiobooks (and eBooks) is far from zero, and a lot of research has been done in recent years to try and estimate the impact of different reading options.

Headshot of writer Mohini Chunilal

Mohini Chunilal

Mohini D. Chunilal is a current English Literature and Creative Writing undergraduate student with a huge passion for all things literature and writing - whether it be about the latest news in sports, fashion, the publishing world, or creative writing.

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