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Citizen Zero

Mark Cantrell


“A complex story where the real and un-real overlap in this Orwellian-like novel.”

If you like a good dystopia like 1984, V for Vendetta or I, Daniel Blake, you’re sure to enjoy Citizen Zero.

Human hardship is too good an opportunity to miss, an excellent resource to be exploited — as David Mills is about to find out. In a nation where security trumps civil liberty, is survival the same as freedom?

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482 pages
(98,000 words)
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About the author

Mark works in Manchester, UK, writing about England’s social housing system. No, this isn’t property journalism; some days, it’s more like he’s chronicling a real life dystopian nightmare (send help).

The subject seems to agree with him, though; he’s been covering it for years now.

That’s the thing about his writing; he seems to have a reputation for the dystopian. Maybe he’s earned it, but there’s more to his work. Mark covers a lot of ground. Fiction, yes, but articles and essays, too, on a whole range of topics.

Find out more about this author by clicking the button below.

Dystopian author Mark Cantrell

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