Publishing Industry

A blog feature image showing a pink-highlighted dictionary definition of 'translation' with the title '8 Women In Translation' over the top

8 Women In Translation for 2024

If you agree that reading diverse benefits your brain, you’re probably open to reading novels in translation. Why Should I Read Translated Works? If language affects thought, there can’t be a better w...
A blog feature image showing a small painted globe sitting on dry, cracked earth with the title '5 Speculative Climate Fiction Must-Reads' over the top

5 Speculative Climate Fiction Must-Reads

A lot of the best speculative climate fiction feels like it belongs to the non-fiction shelf. Anxiety-inducing, because it speaks the truth and invites us to take a peek around the corner, at what’s c...
A blog feature image showing a robot lying on its front reading a book with the title 'Artificial Intelligence: IQ Publishing Workflows' over the top

Independent Publishing and Artificial Intelligence

Traditional publishing doesn’t exactly have a reputation for being fast-paced, but the onslaught of AI (artificial intelligence) tools, ‘scandals’ and borderline (and over-the-line!) misuse might just...
A blog feature image showing piles of old books with the title 'What Happens to Unsold Books?' over the top

What Happens to Unsold Books?

If you’re environmentally conscious, don’t work in online relisting. The wastefulness will terrify you. As just one example, Amazon destroys millions of items of unsold stock (including books) in only...
A blog feature image showing a white keyboard with a green shopping cart on the enter button with the title 'Buying Books Direct from Publishers: The Ultimate Guide' over the top

Buying Books from Publishers: The Ultimate Guide

Over the last decade, buying books online has become commonplace thanks to big-name stores. And we’re not just talking about that online-only store, either. For any reader who’s trying not to default ...
A blog feature image showing five short story books fanned out on a dark table with the title 'Perspectives on Identity in Short Stories' over the top

Perspectives on Identity in Short Stories

I often get to the end of a novel and think Now I know where it’s going, I’d love to read it again. But, as a book blogger reading around 150 contemporary novels a year, I rarely do. But short stories...
A blog feature image showing a headshot of the cartoon character She-Ra with the title 'Why Would You Even Want A Damsel?' over the top

The Point of Fictional Damsels

One of my favourite animated series was, and still is, The Mysterious Cities of Gold. It aired on the BBC in the very late eighties and it has always been a huge comfort and inspiration to me. There w...
A blog feature image showing a silhouete of a child reading against a sunset with the title 'Literacy: A Matter of Life and Death' over the top

Literacy: Life and Death

Literacy ought to be a topic of concern for any author, since – obviously – it goes straight to the heart of what we do, but even we don’t appreciate quite how much it has become a matter of lif...
A blog feature image showing a diverse group of youngsters standing and looking at the camera and the title 'Stop Talking About Diversity in Books' over the top

Stop Talking About Diversity In Books

“The importance of diversity in books”, “diverse characters – tokenism or important?” and my personal favourite, “is diversity really that important?” Every time I see a convention panel discussion wi...
A blog feature image showing a monochrome icon of a fish and hook with the title 'Clickbait Books: A Publisher's Response' over the top

Clickbait Books – A Publisher’s Response

Recently, the ‘Big 5’ publisher Simon & Schuster signed a deal reported to be worth $250,000. So far, no worries. But when the author of their acquisition is a (very loud) mouthpiece for the ‘alt-...
A blog feature image showing the BBeBooks Logo and the title 'IQ Interviews: Paul Salvette' over the top

IQ Interviews: Book Formatter Paul Salvette!

It’s nice to have the opportunity of pulling back the curtain and seeing the people behind the screens. This doesn’t always mean interviewing the folks here at IQ, though. You may not know this, but f...
A blog feature image showing an open paper diary with the title '3 Things Learnt in my 1st Year as a Published Novelist' over the top

3 Things Learnt in My First Year as a Published Novelist

Just over a year ago I was on the brink of achieving a lifetime’s ambition (and let me assure you, it’s been a long life), ready to celebrate the publication of my debut novel yet aware that what was ...
A blog feature image showing a ball of paper next to a metal wastebasket and the title 'Not a Real Writer?' over the top

Not A Real Writer?

It’s been a frustrating week for the creative industry. The losses of some incredible talents have left many of us feeling somewhat bereft and sensitive, and then last Friday a weird hashtag emerged o...

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